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The "emotional liberation breathing technique" is a natural technique based purely on breathing to promote the cleansing of all negative emotions from both the mind and body, hence eliminating the negative effect of these emotions on our mood, thoughts, decisions, relationships, behaviors, and physical health.

Emotional liberation breathing is a technique that allows you to dissolve emotional and physical blockages and resolve issues rooted in your subconscious and unconscious affecting your conscious day to day decisions.

The Emotional Liberation Breathing Technique frees you from blocked negative or limiting emotions or beliefs. This technique improves your mental, physical and behavioral overall health.

By learning to breathe consciously and to your full capacity, you can discover and release negative thoughts and memories that cause you pain and distress in your daily life.

This technique is based on using conscious and continuous breaths for about an hour plus; this process will help you release stress and tension from the body. By doing this, you open the body’s energy to allow the healthy flow of creativity and intuition, thus allowing yourself to better handles stressful situations by coming up with positives alternatives to solutions.

On a physiological level, breathing in more oxygen increases the oxygen levels in your blood. Oxygen is known to be a natural pain reliever while at the same time increased oxygenation contributes to the release of tension by reducing the sensitivity of the amygdala and cortisol level and increasing the serotonin and melatonin levels.

Additionally this process reduces the dopamine dependency and different types of addictions.

Generally, ELB will impact all different aspects of your life. It will improve both physical and emotional wellbeing; it will enhance self-awareness which in turn results in adopting healthier behaviors. It will also help you better define your personal and professional relationships.

An ELB session involves a consultation and a breathing session with a certified and highly trained professional. The role of this therapist is to guide you to break unhealthy patterns.


InduCED Stress Management is effective for a large list of


- Weight loss healthy eating behavior

- Jaw pain and clinching and grinding

- Chronic neck pain

- Chronic low back pain

- Anxiety

- Depression

- Post breakup depression


- Thyroid

- Infertility

- Sports performance

- Adherence to sports

- Reflux and hyper acidity

- Sleep disorders

- Multiple sclerosis

- Chrone

- Asthma

- Diabetes

- Food allergies

- Self confidence and self efficiency

- Epilepsy seizures

- Bipolar disorder

- Borderline disorder

- Addictions:( sex relationship porn tv drugs alcohol social media)

- Procrastination

- Grit

- Motivation

- Resilience

- Over coming life’s difficulties

- Mental strength and endurance

- Victime of narcissism

- Self worth and self love

- Positive self and body image

- Healing after injury faster

- Insecurity in relationships

- Avoidance

- Concentration


.  The Emotional Liberation Breathing Technique will help you take control of your life for a happier lifestyle.

Quote: Time is not a HEALER, healing is a personal choice